We don’t drop the ball no matter how many are in the air
How Komtur maintained product availability in the midst of a complex acquisition in Romania.
How we did it.
When a top 10 pharma manufacturer acquired an innovative company which had a lifesaving Orphan Medicine for treatment of a rare disease in its portfolio, they were presented with some local challenges in Romania.
They needed to expedite the transition while ensuring patients retained complete access to the therapy at the same full reimbursement and pricing. They also needed to make sure the rest of the portfolio (oncology, endocrinology and other therapies for rare diseases – all at different stages of registration, with no local prices or reimbursement) also remained accessible.
So they relied on Komtur Pharmaceuticals Romania, because that’s what Komtur does. We’re thorough, meticulous and tenacious; we take on challenges like this because we know we can deliver them better than anyone. We gave them a fully-integrated services basket, with full management of regulatory and market access processes. We set up a dedicated promotional team, handled the distribution, and tailored the medical and marketing strategy to exactly what they needed.
We not only managed to assure product availability during the transition phase, re-approving the prices and keeping the reimbursement status - we also submitted the dossiers for new indications, increasing the number of patients by coordinating a national screening campaign.And we facilitated easier access to treatment across the whole country.
We then expedited the local market authorization and pricing of their other brands, enabling patients to access new life saving therapies. And within the year, we’ll have the entire portfolio locally authorized and available to use.
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